
When will I receive my piece? 

  • Apart from ready to ship items, each piece is handwoven with care to order. Please allow for 2-4 weeks for the creation + shipping of your piece. I'm a fledgling small business owner, so please bear with me while I figure out turn around times. If you are worried about the timing of your order's arrival please email me at [email protected] for clarity. I'm happy to accommodate a faster turn around if I can! 


My piece is not quite right...what should I do?

  • Firstly, I'm so sorry that your piece is not quite right! Whether your piece was damaged upon reception, worn from wear, or could use a re-sizing--promptly send an email including a picture to [email protected].


Do you do commissions or collabs? 


Where can I find metalmorphosis in person?

  • I periodically sell select designs on consignment at Battery Street Jeans in Burlington Vermont, and also attend occasional art markets and sidewalk sales. Follow my instagram page to stay updated on my whereabouts! 


What materials do you use and how do I care for them?

  • I do my best to create pieces that will last. That's why most of my pieces are made with 100% stainless steel, which is hypoallergenic, and will not rust or tarnish over time. (If you have a nickel allergy please note that there are trace amounts of nickel in stainless steel.) I may occasionally use components that are not 100% stainless (such as aluminum for certain earrings, or silver plated charms). All materials are stated in product descriptions. When it comes to stainless steel, a little soap and water will do just fine!


How long have you been making chainmail?

  • I've been making chainmail since 2020! I started as a way to fill my time when I was down & out from a rollerskating injury, and have stuck with it since! While I'm proud of the skill that I've honed, I have so much more to learn :-)


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